college choice

Maximizing Your College Campus Visits: A Complete Guide for Students and Parents

Maximizing Your College Campus Visits: A Complete Guide for Students and Parents

Visiting campuses is one of the best ways to get a glimpse at the school, the student body, the environment outside campus; to feel the “vibe” and get a sense for what it might be like to live there. There are definitely some pitfalls to avoid, and some definite must-dos to prepare for every college visit to ensure that you get the most out of the few hours you’ll spend there.

Managing Emotions While Waitlisted or Deferred: Staying Positive and Productive

Managing Emotions While Waitlisted or Deferred: Staying Positive and Productive

How do you cope with uncertainty, especially when you receive a deferral or waitlist? You may have gotten a few acceptances, yes, but you may be surrounded by friends celebrating their admissions decisions while you accumulate a pile of “thin envelopes”. What’s an anxious high-schooler to do?