Visiting campuses is one of the best ways to get a glimpse at the school, the student body, the environment outside campus; to feel the “vibe” and get a sense for what it might be like to live there. There are definitely some pitfalls to avoid, and some definite must-dos to prepare for every college visit to ensure that you get the most out of the few hours you’ll spend there.
Managing Emotions While Waitlisted or Deferred: Staying Positive and Productive
Crafting a Compelling Letter of Continued Interest: What To Include and How To Stand Out
So we’ve discussed what to do if you are deferred or waitlisted already, and now we’re at the Letter of Continued Interest. There are two possible uses for a LOCI: expressing interest in the event of a deferral, or expressing interest in the event of a waitlist. We’ll talk about how to approach both, but the approach will be fairly similar.
Understanding Deferrals and Waitlists: What’s the Difference and What Does It Mean for You?
You did it! Your family got to the other side of the application deadlines, and you survived! But now, if you applied early action or early decision anywhere, then decisions have begun rolling in. And while a deferral may be disappointing, it’s worth remembering that a deferral is not a no! Here, we’ll unpack the difference between a deferral and a waitlist, how deferrals and waitlists work, and where you should go from here.